Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Recycling Awareness!!!!!

I have learned a lot from all these recycling actives we have been doing for this project. Some of the things i have learnt from the actives in this project include; what the 4R's mean and stand for, how to practice the 4Rs and finally why recycling is so important and how it benefits our environment.
The 4R's can be improve at home in many ways; these include better educating the people at home about the benefits of recycling, how it affects them and providing the recycling bins.

Recycling at THS can also be improved in many ways; such as the school making an effort to put recycling bins in all classrooms and outside of the classrooms like in the hall ways. Leadership students can also help by educating their fellow peers about the benefits of recycling and be a role model that others can look at.For more information on recycling, you can visit the following website:

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Davis Street Transfer Center Entry

The Davis Street Transfer Center is a waste treatment facility that serves 20 Bay Area cities. The facilities goal is to divert 75% of municipal trash away from landfills and into recyclable materials.

Davis Street Transfer Center recycles the following materials

Recycle plastics and bottles:
Recycle wood into garden mulch which fertilizes the ground:

Process yard trimmings for compost

Recycle e-waste: old computers, electronic equipment and cell phones

Composting at THS Farm!

Composting is the process by which organic matter is collected and complied to form compost. Which can later be used in growing healthy plants.

How to make a compost pile: